Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Counting Down? or Counting Up?

About four weeks ago I posted our "Count Down" to leaving Danville.  Since then we have tried to eat up as many groceries as we could, and I have resisted buying more than the minimum we need - which has been pretty tough seeing as it was CHRISTMAS!  When considering Christmas gifts for each other we realized just two weeks after Christmas we'd be moving somewhere else.  I've been mentally packing all of our belongings.

Well, a few days ago, the supervisor asked for John to please extend his contract here in Danville.  (Stress the word "please.")  The decision of where John wants to work is ALWAYS entirely his - I'm not the one who has to get up every morning and go spend eight hours with (good or bad) co-workers or supervisors.  He may just be tired of sight-seeing in the current location, maybe it's too hot or too cold or too rainy, maybe he doesn't like our accommodations, maybe ...  well, could be any number of reasons he wants to not re-up.

He came home, let me know how very much they want him to stay, and told me that he would let them know the next day.  He shared his pros and cons with me, slept on it, got up the next day and said he would be re-uping (is that a word?)  Yesterday we were sent a new contract basically extending us until April 8th, with time off to go to a cardiovascular symposium written into the contract.

Time for me to mentally shift gears again and (literally) beef up the refrigerator, laundry detergent, bath soap (clean is always good!) and NEW LOCATIONS TO PLAY TOURIST!  YEA!! 

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