Thursday, December 8, 2011


I'm blogging anyway; why not check out the AdSense thingy and see if I can make a buck?  Who knows, I might make enough to replace this ancient eight year old laptop...

It's terribly confusing, and I just don't know if it's gonna be worth the headaches.  Oh, well.  Why not.

So, step by step I've eased (no, wrong word - there has been NOTHING easy about trudging and fighting my way thorough this nightmare maze of how-to!)  So, again, step by cautious step I've made it far enough to actually get ads on the blog.

Today, SURPRISE, AdSense has placed an ad on our blog from J&R!!  John has been buying his camera equipment and electronics from J&R for 30 years - since way before the internet.  He used to subscribe to all kinds of tech magazines - again, before COMPUTERS!  and he buys mostly from J&R.

I feel much more comfortable about the AdSense thing now ... but I still can't figure out half of way they are trying to teach me on the "simple" how-to's  Must be a geek writing for them.  They need a blogger doing the writing, someone who doesn't talk tech.

But I'm so proud to have J&R on our blog!  Thanks, AdSense!

Now, if I could just figure out how to tell them where to send my check ...

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