Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Second Tsunami ??

Sometimes in the evening the grandkids want to go for a quick dip in the ocean, so we take them down to Kalapaki.  It's about five minutes from the apartment and they can boogie board, "skim," try surfing, or just play in the narrow channel where the river comes into the ocean.  (That's where they found the prawn.)

John wanted to stay home, so I loaded up and drove down (literally) to Kalapaki.  Everything was going normally.  Then I noticed a couple of tug boats trying to get a ship out of the harbor, past the breaker, and into open ocean.  THEN I noticed the tug boat going out of sight between the swells and waves.  Wow.

I was getting a really eerie feeling.

I started studying the waves and realized they didn't seem quite right.  They seemed, well, wider.  Not left-to-right, but front-to-back.  They were also taller than when we had first pulled up to the beach.  Be still my heart!  The grandkids were oblivious to anything but the joy they felt from being in the ocean.  (I still can't get over how they marveled over their good fortune to have parents and grandparents willing to stretch all pocketbooks and good sense to let them fly - by themselves - thousands of miles from home ...)

I finally managed to get the attention of all the grandkids and get them ashore.  The waves were beginning to subside, the tugs were coming back to harbor, things seemed to be settling down.  Regardless, I hustled the kids into the car and retreated to higher ground.  They were mildly miffed because they hadn't sensed anything wrong.

The next day I listened intently to news accounts, and sure enough, there had been an earthquake in Australia? New Zealand? and the tsunami wasn't expected to reach the Islands, but along about the time that we went to the beach the night before...

So, I think it's fair to say, John and I experienced two tsunamis while on Kauai - and the grandkids can say they were literally "in" one.

God is good, all the time.  And it's especially good to know that all of these grandkids have accepted Christ as God's only Son, who sacrificed Himself for the sins of man, rose again after the third day, appeared to hundreds of people, and ascended into heaven to prepare a place for every believer in Him to go to.

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