Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reviewing My Stats

Well, now, isn't that amazing?  The most often read post is the one titled, "Time to Confess."  What does that say about our society.  Based on the subject I blog about, based on the comments I make, what on earth did they did they think I would confess???  Salacious secrets about our sex life?!  Give me a break! 


The stats also show that most of you log on via Internet Explorer, a few by Mozilla, a few by Safari and mobile Safari, and a couple by Chrome.  You folks using IE might want to go back and read the one about "A Cup of Tea and a Chocolate Bar."  Since I went to Mozilla Firefox I just FLY through the internet experience.  Sadly, since my switch, I'm hearing from in-laws of all kinds saying they've been using Mozilla for years.  (Like I said, how come no one ever tells ME?  Why am I always the last to know?)

Most of you guys are from the United States, but I have had two log-in from Germany and now one from Russia.  There have only been a couple of people comment on any of the blog postings, even since I published, "Hello-o-o, Is There Anybody Out There?"

Let's see, 75% of you use Windows, a tiny number use Mac, a couple have checked in using an iPad, more from an iPhone than an Android.

There are hundreds of you, by the way, which makes me feel pretty good.  Is it my interesting, vivacious chatter? or the pictures?

How all of this started is because I send out GSRs to our kids and grandkids.  GSRs.  That stands for Granparent Status Reports.  (Hey, maybe that's why so many people check out the "Time to Confess" post:  You think GSR stands for Gun Shot Residue and that I'll confess to a killing!  Silly.  I have an attack of conscience when I kill a spider.  John and I hunt a lot - with cameras (in case you couldn't tell by all the photos!)

Ah, well.  I shall keep blogging along - just in case the kids are watching.  Ta-ta, for now!

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