Thursday, September 1, 2011

Contract Extension

Our second contract for Kauai was October 1st through December 24th.  That was extended to January 14th.  That's one of the things about being a traveler:  you need to be flexible for yourself, your company, and the facility you are working for.  If there is a particular reason you don't want to extend, that's okay.  Otherwise, help everyone out and stay for another hitch. With the Islands, you're extending saves airfare costs, housing hassels, and major contract re-negotiations.  Anywhere you go and extend you are saving on administrative costs for both your company and the facility.

Ultimately, John's contract for Kauai was extended SIX (6) times!  We were there a year!  Who would have EVER thought John and I would spend a year, all expenses paid! plus a paycheck! in Hawaii ???  Now, try and tell me God is not good.  The circumstances that put us in a position to take the travelers job were less than ideal.  What man did for evil, God will turn into good for those who believe on Him.

God did REALLY good...especially for John.  He not only needed the feeling of success being a traveler has given him, but he needed the acclamation the hospitals gave him for his work and work ethics.  I got to go along and see him appreciated for who he is.  He is a good, good man, personally and professionally.  I am truly proud to be his wife. 

And so our idyllic days in Kauai continue...

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