Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Cup of Tea and A Chocolate Bar

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," but it never hurts to have a cup of tea and a chocolate bar waiting in the wings!

My mercy, how many times a day can that scripture be brought to mind?  I think it happens most often when I have an argument with our computer.  For DAYS and DAYS I have been wrestling with Internet Explorer and inevitably it wins.  My patience is sufficient, however, my blog is suffering miserably.

I have closed the program, logged off, switched users, defrag'ed, cleared my cookies, my history, emptied the Recycle Bin, run disc cleanup, time and time again.  Today I decided to set up a new user account so there would be a clean slate to work with.  I click on Internet Explorer to set it up and up pops a window that simply says, "Having trouble with IE freezing up or crashing?"  DUH!!  But why is it just now asking me this question?!?!

Quickly, before anything happens, I write down the web address:

I follow the instructions slowly, patiently waiting for all indication that the computer has done all it is supposed to do with each step.  At least it's not freezing up -- yet.  I finally get to a screen that gives me two options, one being the "recommended" option.  I click on it - and nothing happens.  I wait.  I get (another) cup of tea. I've run out of chocolate so will have to substitute fruit slices, wondering if I should opt for strawberry cheescake instead. I set a timer for five minutes.  I'm so close!  Don't rush this.  Patience.  And.....
nothing.  Aargh! 

I go through the process repeatedly. (You know that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result...)  I control my impulsive desire to click, click, click by watering the houseplants, going back to the computer, click, gathering up the trash, going back to the computer, click, making a pitcher of iced tea, going back to the computer, click, starting supper, click...  This entire, live-long day, I have endured the routine of failure.  Computer: 48, me: 0.  I am SUCH a loser!

Finally, it is letting me at least create this text - but no pictures allowed.  And so, today I post, tomorrow?  I may go postal.  Please.  Send chocolate!

1 comment:

Michelle G said...

I completely gave up on IE and only use Mozilla Firefox these days. I've been using it for about a year or so and it doesn't frustrate me like IE used to do. It isn't perfect BUT it does work better and faster than IE. Maybe you could give it a try - you can always use IE if you decide you don't like it. It's free to download.
