Friday, September 30, 2011

Google's New Blogger Look

Since the beginning of time, well, since the beginning of personal computers anyway, I've said "DON'T MESS WITH THE SOFTWARE!"  You can do whatever you want with the hardware, but I've just figured out all the in's and out's of this silly program; don't go "improving" it now.  Well, Google has gone and done it anyway.  I don't have much choice but to explore and understand and learn - or learn and understand.  Which comes first? the chicken or the egg.

Okay.  Click here.  Go there.  Try this.  oops.  Untry that.  Oh, look.  They've even made it mobile compatible.  That looks good.  Yup.  I'll make that permanent.

I survey all the visual options: Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot, Timeslide.  FINALLY I decide I like "Magazine" the best.  I think Google must have also upgraded their ability to show graphics because my photos look GREAT.  So, now to save "Magazine."  Aargh.  It won't save.  Time for a cup of tea and a chocolate bar. (See previous post.)

Well, actually I ate some of my homemade brownies with chocolate fudge topping and a side of ice cream. The fudge I made yesterday didn't set up so I had to do something with it and pecan brownies sounded like a solution.  You know what they say about chocolate: A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.  Gives a whole new slant on being a hip-pie.  One of our past pastors gave a sermon once titled, "It's The Heart, Stupid."  I'm glad people love me for what's in my heart 'cause my looks sure have "grown" over the years.

Back to Google.  Deep breath.  Log into the blog.  Well, looky there.  It did save.  Ah ha!  those visual options?  Those are for YOU to decide how YOU want to view our blog!

I run through them again.  Yup.  I like "Magazine" the best.  One of my daughters-in-law likes "Timeslide."  And, here's a bonus:  John is spending more time flipping through the blog.  (Gosh.  I hope he doesn't find something in there he doesn't like.  He might take away my keyboard.)

Oh, and you're joining the blog as a Friend is easier, too.  Try it.  Don't forget to set your Options.  I've made the blog so that whatever comments you send come to me first, and then I decide whether to publish them to the world or not.  Feel free to communicate with us - and if you don't want it to go public, ask.

So that's the new blog format.  Whaddya think?

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