Saturday, October 22, 2011

Naked in the Shower

Yup.  That was me!  The other night, luxuriating in a hot shower, washing my hair, covered in soap head to toe, having a WONDERFUL time when -- the water stopped.  Just stopped.  Normally, because the water comes from the well with the help of a pump, the water, mmmm, "breathes."  It flows fast and then slower and then fast and then slower.  No major change, just not steady.    But last night, it stopped completely.  Thank goodness John was home, or I'd have had to run around the house dripping soap bubbles trying to check breakers and figure out what happened!

John was being wonderful about trying to keep me from freezing and the soap from drying.  The water was off all through the house.  The breaker hadn't been tripped.  I'm suggesting heating water on the stove when he stuck his head around the shower curtain and looked at me like I was stupid - which I was.  There was no water TO heat!

He was in the process of looking up the landlord's phone number when, wonderful surprise, the water came back on, all by itself.  I waited about 10 seconds for some sort-of warm water and quickly started rinsing the shampoo out of my hair and soap off the ol' bod before the water shut off again.  All seems to be just fine and the hot water is exquisite, so I decide to shave my legs as planned.  One leg done, now to the next.  Lather it up, take a couple of swipes and ... no water.

This time, John was ready.  I had had a teapot full of hot water on the stove.  He got a large bowl, poured the hot water in, got a couple of bottles of water we keep on hand for traveling, mixed the two and handed me a perfectly warm bowl of water.  I finished shaving and rinsed off with John's water - just as the shower started again.  I quickly rinsed again in it's hot water and got out before anything else quirky could happen.

Dried, dressed, and warm I went to the phone and called Cheryl to 'splain what had been going on.  It went to voice mail, but I left a message asking if folks in Virginia had a weird sense of humor along about Halloween.  (Just teasing.)  I wanted to let her know just in case the well pump was going out or something.  Bless her heart, she couldn't decide whether to laugh or not.  LAUGH, of course!  No harm done.  Stuff happens.  What? she maybe sent a lil' Menehune/gnome down to torture me?  Of course we should laugh.  These are the things that make life interesting!  But thank goodness John was home...

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