Friday, October 14, 2011

Deer, Turkey and Ground Hogs

I suppose we could have taken the lazy, sure way and let our traveler company get us lodging at an extended stay hotel - but then we wouldn't have four rooms, a FULL kitchen, front porch, and be surrounded by tobacco fields.  The tobacco plant is pretty - but more importantly is the wildlife we get to watch in and around the fields.

Nearly every evening about dusk there are three deer that mosey across the field southwest of the farmhouse.
Ultimately I begin to get brave (brave meaning I think I can get closer without scaring them) and slowly, step by step, I ease up closer and closer:

I've heard deer will raise their heads and look for predators every 7 seconds.  They are very alert to danger, and soon they decide, no matter how slow and careful and quiet I am, that there is a threat to their safety and high tail it out of there.  When a deer bounds off, it raises it's tail high and shows the snow white fur on the back side.  That's called "flagging."  Off they go!  But they'll be back, if not tomorrow night, then the next.  We've also discovered that they are in the front of the house nearly every morning about 8 a.m.

In the same place we see the deer, we sometimes see a small flock of wild turkey.
Wild Turkey

We absolutely can't get close to these guys, hence the not so wonderful picture - but you get the idea.  There were "wild" turkeys at Natural Bridge that I got only a few feet from - but the ones at the house are truly wild.
Natural Bridge's "Wild" Turkeys
Just outside the back door we have a goundhog.  Think "Punxsutawney Phil."  He apparently lives under the car port.  Eastern Groundhogs are cousins to the Rocky Mountain Marmot.  Ours is about as shy as the turkey and deer.
We also have squirrel and rabbits.  In fact, a rabbit was sitting in the driveway waiting for us the first evening we arrived!  So, yes, we prefer not to stay in hotels.  It's no big deal; John says we can do anything for a few weeks, but we do like our wildlife.  I suppose if we were younger we might like night life - but then, we never have before :-)  Hunting wildlife with a camera is our thing.  For Christmas I'd like to get John a better camera.  Our blog audience might like that, too!

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