Thursday, October 20, 2011

MiFi Hot Spot

Well, dogie!  After another hour-plus today on the phone (this time with Kodak) I was able to connect wirelessly to the printer and, with a Kodak app, I was able to send a photo from my iPhone directly to the printer.  Apparently until Apple shares some more proprietary information with Kodak, I won't be able to print emails, etc. from the iPhone.  Apple has shared with Blackberry but not iPhone - so if you have a Blackberry, print away!

I spent another hour on the phone with AT&T trying to find the upgrade order I placed for John last week.  When I placed the order, the product was available and would ship within 48 hours.  Here we are almost a week later and they can only say the iPhone 3G is on backorder.  I explain that I wanted to give John the upgrade for our wedding anniversary and am pretty frustrated that there was no notification to me that the item had been placed on backorder.

How about this?  If the AT&T store here in Danville has a 3G, may I just go there and pick it up?  (Way too simple a solution.)  Sure - but there will be a $99 charge.  UH, I DON'T THINK SO!

It is not conceivable to me that there is no 3G anywhere in the continental U.S. that AT&T can lay their hands on and get to us.  There seem to be a lot of the new 4G's but none of the 3G.  Okay.  How about sending me a 4G - at no cost.  Lots of being on hold while the tech and her supervisor chit-chat.  Eventually, they say, "Okay."  I ask for clarity on the "at no additional cost" and FedEx'ing to arrive NLT (no later than) 3 p.m. tomorrow.  More on hold, she comes back and says, again, yes, but before I can ask her to email confirmation to me the call is dropped - and she never calls me back.  So, I'm going on faith that all of the above will take place.

John doesn't want a 4G... or at least he says he doesn't.  Okay.  I'll take the 4G and give him my 3G.  That's a bummer because I just got everything re-setup on my 3G - including the wireless thing-a-mabob - but if that's what John wants, that's what John gets.  It's also a bummer because we ordered "otters" to fit his incoming 3G - that won't be coming in... (3G otters don't fit 4G phones.)

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  Nothing in life is simple.  Stay tuned for continuing updates to the electronic saga.

But tomorrow we're heading up to Philadelphia for a three daywedding anniversary road trip.  Celebrating years of "captivity" at liberty central seems contradictory - but it'll be lots more fun than being on the phone for hours on end. 

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