Friday, August 26, 2011

Pirate Parrots and Preying Mantis

Of all the animals on the island, chickens might have the highest profile.
Snails are fun - even if the snails are GIANT, and geckos hanging onto the ceiling...

The neighbor's big dog, Busta, and the landlord's little dog and her even littler puppies got all our leftovers.

Preying mantis, flocks of birds, and pirate parrots...

 Ne-ne geese:

and bats are the only land animals indigenous to Kauai.  They have imported deer from Oregon, but we never saw any.  They have a big problem with the ferrel hog population; we did see some on the roadside at dusk, but it was too dark for pictures.  There are horses and cows, and they even have a rodeo!  It's our understanding that cats swarm all over the island - even when Mark Twain was here in the 1800's - but they are nocturnal so we rarely saw any.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the chickens, lizards, gigantic snails and rich green hills and mountains engulfed in fog and mist... it all reminds me of my years in Pakistan as a child. I love that you are cherishing each memory and counting each blessing as you travel this world. its a joy to read your posts... I love you! ~kristin.