Friday, August 19, 2011

Leaving Hartford

The hospital staff there in Hartford absolutely loved John.  He's a gentle giant, willing, flexible, and, with 20 years experience, very well versed in his job.  Every hospital is different, every cardiologist has different protocols they want him to follow.  For John it's like shuffling a deck of cards and picking out the ones they want him to play with.  He's not permanent staff, so he doesn't make waves by trying to get them to do things the way other hospitals have even if it could maybe be a better way.  He's just there to love the patients and do the tests.  And that he does.

When it came time for him to leave they gave him gifts and, better yet, a letter of recommendation.  How cool is that!

As our end date became firm, I let all the travel recruiters know John was available again.  Lo and behold, we get a call asking if we'd be interested in four weeks in Hawaii! 

Uh-oh.  I don't fly, and I don't float. 

I've always told John he'd have to get a new wife if he wanted to go to Hawaii.  Now what?  Okay.  In for a penny, in for a pound.  I'll fly - just this one time.  But we would have to drive back to Texas, drop the car off, re-pack essential clothing only, make airport arrangements...  New company, new round of tests for John.  His travel is covered by the contract but not mine, so I have to make my flight reservations.  I don't fly, so, how does one book a flight???  John signs the contract.

Two plus days of drive time back to Texas and a 10-hour flight later, we land in Hawaii on the island of Kauai.  Is this life for real?!

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