Monday, October 7, 2013

The American Government Shuts Down

Just doing our own little research...

Glen Canyon Dam Visitors Center
Maybe the Visitor's Center is closed, but the government can't shut God down:
Lake Powell at the Glen Canyon Dam

Down this 40 mile long dirt road is the remains of an old west town, Paria, and pioneer's cemetery that was used in Hollywood movies like "The Outlaw Josey Wales."  The photographs we took on the way down this road are fabulous.  We finally get there, traveling through unbelievably beautiful scenery, and find this:

But, and I think this is pretty funny, the Navajo Indian Reservation is open for business!

This is the Upper Antelope Canyon.  See the tops of the tourist's heads at the bottom of the photo.  I'll do another blog post on the Canyon and use Granpa's photos.  This was just with my cell phone, but even with it's poor non-flash, point-n-shoot quality, you can see this Canyon is amazing!  And this is what we came to see, so it doesn't matter one whit that the American government is shut down.  All  the European and Asian tourists know is that Obama closed America and ruined their once-in-a-lifetime vacations - but Michelle Obama's website is still up and running, and Obama's ordered his golf course to remain open.

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