Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Walk Through the Giants

Literally, we can walk through some of the giant sequoia here on the Trail of 100 Giants:

But walking amongst them is humbling.

The Sierra chickaree squirrel is completely at home in the way high tops of these monsters, and Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels, Grey Squirrels and even the tiny chipmunks are at home here.  The seeds of the sequoia conifers are collected by the squirrels for winter meals. 

I suspect they gather the pine nuts from pine cones, too, but look at the size difference between the two:  one would make more than a meal and the other just hardly a snack!

We were so entranced by all that we saw that we never made it to the National Park!  We had been there before and seen General Sherman, the largest of all sequoia and the most massive living organism on earth, so that was okay.  There were very few people wandering this forest with us today, and that's the way we like it.  

When we left, we grabbed a bite to eat at a fast food joint, and THIS time we follow Lil' Miss's advice on the fastest way back to our campground.  The shortest is not always the fastest...

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