Monday, October 21, 2013

Back to the Kernville Campground

Well, looky here.  There are fellow campers in our campground tonight!  They're just beginning to arrive and set up.  Lots of Orientals and folks from Europe - I can tell by the language and their looks.  Small children, too.  Ah, well.  'Tis good news; bad news.  It was a little spooky being the only ones in the camp last night - but there's lots of noisy tonight.

We mind our own business, but it becomes obvious that one of the other campers is having a terrible time getting his tent up.  We've been tent-camping for years and have had just about every kind of tent there is from canvas cabin tents of by-gone days to the instant pop-up we have now.  Finally, Granpa can stand it no longer and mosey's over to see if he can be of help.  It's not a construction problem, it's a mechanical problem, and the guy had zero tools to fix it with.  Granpa is never without his tool box, so he comes back, chooses a couple of tools and, ta-ta!  the man's tent is up in no time.

We're pretty pooped from our day amongst the giants.  We take our showers and crawl into our tent.  Granpa is anxious to look through the photos he shot today, and I set up my laptop to check in with the world.  It's not long before I'm ready to lay down.  It's not long before I'm asleep.  But every so often, our neighbors wake me up.  Finally, about 1 a.m. I've lost patience.  There is a written rule in every campground we've ever been in that 10 o'clock is the time to get quiet.  Have a good time after that - quietly. 

Granpa is awake, too.  He's fussing.  I don't have enough patience left to fuss with!  I sit up, and shout, "THAT'S ENOUGH!  QUIET DOWN!! 

Instant silence.

Then we hear tiny whispers, and it's obvious everyone is tip-toeing off to their tents.  I feel only a tiny bit bad, because they were having a very happy time... but only a tiny bit. 

We sleep soundlessly the rest of the night.

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