Thursday, August 15, 2013

Red Fox, Swift Fox, Peacocks, Porcupines, Badgers, Bobcats, Beaver ...

Bearizona just gets better and better!  Meet Yazzi and Francis.  Here is where it gets confusing:  Yazzi is a swift fox; Francis is a marbled red fox.  Now why would someone name a fox that is white, a marbled red?
Yazzi - a Swift Fox
I had never heard of the Swift Fox before.  He gets his name because he can run up to 30 mph! They are both only the size of large housecats.  They used to range from Mexico to Canada, but that area has now shrunk to only 40% of what it was.  There are reintroduction efforts under way on Indian reservations that are very successful though, so not to worry everyone!

Francis - a marbled red fox

Wandering free were peacocks and their babies.  Well, I guess this was actually a peahen and her baby.  These guys 'n gals have a reputation of being very aggressive, but here they were as tame as a chicken - but then, we didn't try to pick one up or mess with its baby!  And, yes, even the babies have the pretty feathers on top of their heads.

Now, who would have thought to look up a tree for a porcupine?

And here's a lil' feller I've never seen stuffed or alive!  A badger - the bad boy of the Plains!

That coat of fur over his back is as thick as a horsehair saddle blanket.  It instantly reminded me of an armadillo.  I would not want to tangle with this guy anywhere!  He was up running around while most everyone else at Bearizona was sleeping.

Look at how long this bobcat's back toes are, and how big his front paw is!  I love the silly tufts of hair at the ear tips.  What's that all about??

This is a beaver.  I've never seen one up this close.  Look at that flat paddle of a tail!  Again with the sleeping...

I think this raccoon was playing opossum.  If you look really close you can see his eye is open just a bit.  Check out those feet, too.

They also have a Birds of Prey in Flight show, but it didn't fit into our time frame...

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