Thursday, March 14, 2013

Texas Fishin'

Our grandson, Colt (named for the horse AND the gun), loves to fish.  If there's three drops of water in a footprint I think he'd throw in a hook just because.  That boy would go fishin' in a barrel.  Well, yesterday he and his brother, Cody, were fishin' in a creek behind their dad's house in about a foot of water.  (Like I said, any puddle will do.)  Colt asked me to blog his results, so here they are:

First you bait the hook:

 And then you catch the unexpected:

Yup, that's a water moccasin - a five foot long water moccasin.  Colt likes killin' snakes as much as he likes fishin.'  But what all-Texas boy wouldn't?  You know you're a redneck when you have rattlesnake and water moccasin in your freezer.  (And you wonder why people in Texas carry guns!)

What do you do then?  Re-bait the hook!

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