Saturday, March 16, 2013

Home to Texas and Off to Kaua'i

Now it's a mad dash for home across mostly familiar territory, dropping down through Wyoming and Colorado, nick the corner of New Mexico and into the Texas panhandle.  Home, sweet home!

But before we get there, we are blessed yet again with some wildlife.  Pronghorn antelope are hardly American looking, but they sure are American.  The American Indians thought the antelope hide was the prettiest and best.  They liked very much to make wedding clothes out of antelope hide.

These deer were literally hunkered down on the side of the road.  They waited for us to stop the car and back up!

 This one was hiding by himself a bit to the left in the brush.  Pretty good camouflage, yes?

Aren't they absolutely exquisite?  Don't cha just wanna hug 'em?

There is a snow storm moving in on us.  We hope that we will at least make Cheyenne, Wyoming tonight - maybe even Denver, Colorado.

Beautiful, isn't it?  You shoulda been there!  The snow came down fast and thick, but before we got to Denver the weather lifted, and we actually made it almost to New Mexico.  After spending the night in Trinidad, Colorado, we drove on home to East Texas making it there Tuesday evening.

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