Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blogging is not all I do...

As Travelers, we stay in touch with our closest friends through Facebook.  These are a few of my recent status updates (without getting political.)
When our sons were little, I would watch them struggle with a new challenge. I loved watching their little minds work - the eyes tell all! When learning began to turn into frustration I would then, and only then, offer to help. If they said yes to me, then I would do all in my power to help them learn how to overcome the problem. I wouldn't do it for them. I would help them LEARN how to overcome the problem.

God is like that. First we must recognize our need, then we must acknowledge Him and allow His power to work through us until we are made stronger. It is so very simple, and can be so very gentle - IF we allow Him into our lives before chaos and calamity take over.
There are those who exhaust themselves trying to stay above chaos and calamity, believing that they don't need God, that they are strong enough in and of themselves to overcome all things. Well, they might be. But stand up next to God. Now who's stronger?

One of our sons is as stubborn as a mule (well, maybe more than one). I had a precious girlfriend when the boys were small who had the wisdom of saints. She pointed out that there was good stubborn and bad stubborn. As adults, we call good stubborn "patience." So I worked with him throughout his childhood pointing out when he was being good stubborn and when he was being bad stubborn. Over the years he gravitated to the good stubborn as his motis opperendi. (Did I spell that right?)

His most wonderful wife is still prayerfully working on him, but he's a Godly man (and an alright guy, too!)

Are you being stubborn in your relationship with Christ? Let go and let God. It takes a mighty man (or woman) to confess the error of their ways and ask Jesus into their heart. But that's okay. It took a mighty God to allow His Son to die for your sins. God knew he could resurrect Jesus, but He had to watch the death first. God did it because He loves you, too. Accept it. Accept Him. Just tell Him you believe in what Jesus did, ask Him to forgive you, and the let go and let God guide your every thought.  Easter is celebrating the Resurrection of Christ.  Resurrect Him in your heart, now, too.  Find a church service - maybe a sunrise service - and totally commit your life to Christ.

Amen. So let it be said, so let it be done!
 If God is not in your thoughts, he's probably not in your actions, either.

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