Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today's Business Environment - GOOFY!

Business is goofy nowadays.  We wanted to refinance our home to the lower interest rates being offered on every other TV commercial.  Our current mortgage holder won't lower them for us even though we have a perfect credit history with them, so we're forced to shop around.  What ever happened to the concept, "It's cheaper and easier to KEEP a customer than to FIND a customer," or "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
Same thing with cell phone companies.  Our sons cell phone provider promises the moon but can't seem to even get off the ground.  So he asked us to research ours, AT&T.  He is the only family member that isn't on AT&T Family Talk.

I go online to review what package we have.  I ultimately hit a wall and called a human being.  A)  I get better prices online than trying to work things out with a live person.  B)  I can upgrade the package and save a TON of money even though I get more services.

Work.  Work.  Work.  I'm beginning to believe if one spouse would stay home and live on the internet all day, the family could save as much money as if one spouse got a job but didn't have time left over to do online research.


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