Sunday, May 27, 2012

iPhones, Smart Phones, MiFi, Hot Spots...

The world of communication gets crazier every minute!

All I wanted to do was add two Smart Phones and a hotspot to our account for two of our kids.  One of them did the research on line so he could tell me exactly which phone they wanted.  I got online, ordered the items, got Order ID numbers on all three devices which included a summary of the one-time charges and the monthly charges.  Simple enough.

Then the emails started.  Please contact our Customer Service Center...

The rate plan I chose was not available in our area.  Huh?  Not to worry, we'll get it all straight here at AT&T.

We had more lines than the rate plan allows.  Huh?  Nothing in the ordering process said anything about a limit to the number of lines...  Not to worry, we'll get it all straight here at AT&T.

Then I received an email saying the Hotspot was shipping.  One down!

More emails.  Please contact...

Hmmm.  Seems somehow they reserved nine (9) phone numbers/lines for me.  No, no, no!

An hour and a half later, we whittle that down to the two lines it should be.  During the process however, it seems they have a "can't beat that" rate plan to switch me to.  (The AT&T billing department is gonna love all these changes.)  Supposedly, for $30 we will have unlimited texting, and free anytime mobile-to-ANY-mobile calling.  That means only land-line and 800 number calls will eat up minutes.  They suggest that, after a couple of months, I review our usage, and we can probably downgrade from FamilyTalk 1400 (minutes) to FamilyTalk 700 (minutes) and save even more money!

Well, I'm not taking anything to the bank yet.  Something tells me all this is gonna end up costing out the wazoo in the beginning, and we'll straighten out the kinks later on.  But we've been Cingular/AT&T for umpteen years and don't think they've cheated us yet, so I'll hang in there.

More phone calls are planned for tomorrow.   "Nothing in life is simple.  Nothing in life is simple.  Nothing in life is simple..."

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