Monday, March 26, 2012

The Metal Vault

I wanna take this baby home with me!  It came to America in the 1600's from England.  Weighing in at 250 pounds - empty! - probably means I'm not gonna get it to Texas any time soon...

They know it was used in a tavern in Wynne's Falls, Virginia (the original name for the Danville area) and then as a bank vault until a larger vault could be built, but the town of Danville bought it so that the Secretary of the Treasury could keep part of the government's gold and other valuables in it.  While President Jeff Davis and the government of the CSA was in Danville, the chest was kept at the Benedict home and was well guarded.  However, when Davis and the Cabinet fled Danville, it was left behind.  (One assumes it was left behind empty... Hence the mystery of where that gold went to!!!)

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