Monday, March 12, 2012

The Courthouse Clocktower and Heritage Building,

During the siege of Petersburg, the Union troops were so close that they could tell the time on the Petersburg Courthouse Clocktower.  (Either this clock is right twice every 24 hours, or it still keeps good time!)

Directly in front of the Courthouse is one of the most architecturally different downtown buildings I might have ever seen:
First, why is there a bay window overlooking a parking lot.  Okay, let's assume this wasn't always a parking lot (pretty safe assumption I suspect).  What could it have been?  Another building? A park or greenspace?  I don't care WHAT it was, what is a bay window doing in Virginia?  Did the original owner or architect come from San Francisco? or Virginia Beach?

But look even closer:
Look at the detail on those dormer windows.  I'm impressed, but it looks more like a house than a downtown building.  Then again, folks used to have their businesses on the ground floor and live upstairs...  (Talk about saving gasoline on the commute to work!  Maybe WE should think about that?)

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