Saturday, November 19, 2011

Today on the Blue Ridge

Today we're going up onto the Blue Ridge Parkway and head north toward the Shenandoah Valley.  It snowed pretty good up there two days ago.  It's probably all gone now, but John wants to go anyway.

We rummage through all of the brochures we've acquired.  For a general overview we pull out the magazine- slick 100-page, "Blue Ridge Parkway" and the newspaper-like insert, "The Blue Ridge Digest."   Comparing maps and where we've been before, we think we will high-tail it (like a deer flagging as it flees from a sight or sound!), we'll high-tail it up to the Buena Vista / Natural Bridge area and pick up the Parkway then.

From there to the Shenandoah is about fifty miles and speed limits on the Parkway are certainly not your Interstate speeds, so it will be a good afternoon of sight seeing.  Young George Washington surveyed this entire area when he was just a teenager.  (Remember Natural Bridge where he carved his initials high up on the wall?) 

According to the "slick" version, we might mosey over to Natural Chimneys (made  from ancient seabed deposits by erosion), check out the Discovery Museum in Harrisonburg or the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, or one of my favorites, a CAVE. Yes, yes, yes!  I love speelunking - especially if it's an "unimproved" cave.  There is also the Frontier Culture Museum which is a tight collection of seven working farms with workers in period costume from the 1600's through the 1800's.  John's not too excited about caves or the farms, but we'll see what the day brings, and I'll let you know!

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