Friday, November 25, 2011

An International Audience

How fun is this!  We have a way of checking where folks are logging onto our blog from, and our international fame is growing!  Now, besides Russia and Germany, we have folks checking us out from The Netherlands!  Woo-hoo!  I know a few words in Russian and a tad of German, but I don't know ANY Dutch.

From my love of all things John Adams, I know that while Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were doing their best to get France as an ally during the American Revolution against England, Adams went to the Dutch and was actually able to get some financial loans.  His son, John Quincy Adams, was his secretary while Adams was our Ambassador over there, and he learned to speak and write French and Dutch fluently.  There are even books in the Adams' library in Massachusetts printed in Dutch.  But not me, I'm Dutch-less.

Oh, how I do hope that those overseas are reading things in the blog that would kindle their desire to visit America.  Wouldn't it be fun if I could meet them??!!  I never know where we'll be though, so I don't know how we might manage to make a connection.  I have an old friend that participates in the foreign exchange student program.  That would be so cool!

So, yes, our international audience is growing.  And so is our readership.  Getting close to 2,000 now.

Almost 75% of you log on using Windows Operating Systems, almost 20% by iPhone and Android, and a few by iPad and Linux.  One even logged on by iPod (? Can you do that with an iPod ???)

As far as browsers go, 36% log on using Chrome, 31% by Internet Explorer, 14% by Mozilla Firefox, 12% by Safari, 4% Mobile Safari, and one using Opera (does that go with the Linux?)

My stats page also shows a map of the whole world and highlights those countries that are reading our blog.  Do you know how big Russia is?  Put that together with the U.S. and the Netherlands and it's mighty pretty!

Thank you.  Thank you all for making me feel connected and even cared about.  You are all so special!

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