Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Mother-of the-Bride

It's Friday morning and Granpa is off of work due to it's being the 4th of July.  That's super fine - because he has pitched in to help get the B&B ready for our second guest:  the mother-of-the-bride.  She's supposed to stay in the Carolina Lilly also, so we need to be fast and perfect - it's out first room to service!

Granpa is amazing!  He's carting the vacuum upstairs, cleaning the commode and has floor duty - buffing the wood floor and vacuuming the area carpet.  I'm stripping beds, gathering the towels and wash cloths, taking them downstairs to the laundry room (which is magnificently equipped!)

When the bed is carefully re-made and the linens arranged in the bathroom, I'm dusting and Granpa is replacing the shampoo, conditioner, lotion and face bar of soap.

All done?  We think so.

Momma arrives from Charlotte, North Carolina right on time, we hand her the key to her room,

ask that she sign the register, show her the downstairs and then take her right on up.  It seems that there are wedding activities back-to-back for the next three days.  We assure her that "mi casa es su casa," and anything that we can do give her rest we are very glad to do.

We retreat to the innkeeper's quarters and spend the rest of the evening doing our own thing.

Breakfast is served in the dining room at the prearranged time Saturday and Monday because on Sunday our guest advises us that there is a wedding brunch, and so there is no need for her breakfast that day.  (That's excellent because it allows me to go to Sunday School and church!  Woo-hoo!)

There are several comings and goings by Momma, the bride and the groom over the weekend.  They are very quiet and genteel folks.  I like 'em!  I've placed a beautiful covered tray of homemade brownies on the table in the parlor for there passing refreshment.

The bride asks if it would be okay for her to stay over the night before the wedding, sharing Momma's room. We say "Of course," but remind them that there will another couple coming from France to check in Sunday afternoon.  (Just tryin' to keep everyone on the same page here.)

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