Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Books

I'm feeling my way with this book thing.  I needed something to do last winter when we were in North Dakota, so I signed up for a couple of classes through the University of North Dakota OLLI program.  One was a study of the Lewis and Clark expedition and the other a publishing course.

I continued to pursue getting the book published because I thought it would make Granpa proud (it has) and give our kids a printed diary of our travels.  It won't matter to them, but maybe it will mean something to our grandkids and their kids as they "Wow!" over the fact that their Granma and Granpa were born "back in the 1900's!!"  (I know that I'm impressed that my grandfather was born in the 1800's.)

As you know, I wanted the books as a Christmas surprise and worked hard toward that goal.  The OLLI class instructor urged us to keep the book at about 100 pages.  I don't remember why, but that's what I tried to do.

Now that I've had some downtime to think about it, I think that I'd like to be a bit more arbitrary about that. Sometimes we're at a location for only a couple of months and sometimes for over a year.  I try to post something every day, which means a "yearly" book would have something like 365 pages.  That would result in the book costing in the neighborhood of $50 retail.  YIKES!!  That's nuts!  So I don't know that that will be my plan.

Regardless, I have decided to re-do Volume 2.  Now it's at about 200 pages long and goes through the end of the year 2012.  That version should be available through Amazon in the next week or so.  But it's gonna have about a $30 price (U.S. dollars - less for the English pound or the Euro).  Sorry about that...

In the meantime, you get to make a choice between the two versions.  Happy shopping!

If you like our blog, you can buy the book forms on Amazon under the “Heritage Travels” titles. There are Kindle versions, also.

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