Thursday, January 9, 2014

Christmas in Texas

God is so good!  We had a marvelous time in Texas!  Two of our three sons were there at our home - with our grandkids - for over a week!  I haven't spent that much time with our middle son in ages!  Two of our three "big" grandsons have jobs, and they were in and out at all hours.  

Our freshman-in-high-school granddaughter had an excellent time playing with the three little ones (not to mention the new baby goat, cats, dogs - including her Great Dane - horses, ducks, rabbits, etc!)

Our daughters-in-law were phenomenal at helping all of us to have the very best of times!  They enjoyed watching the cousins play together, balanced the play time of the Great Dane with the free time of the goats (always a challenge!), they helped coordinate meals, and when anybody went to town there was always a round-robin series of phone calls checking whether anyone needed anything picked up on their behalf.

Our grandsons and a great-nephew choose to make faces in the holiday photo, so I just thought I'd publish it for posterity!  Add four people to this and you have everyone who made it to our house for a week's celebration.  I was taking the picture but I haven't a clue where the other "Waldo's" were.

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