Sunday, July 14, 2013

Yet Again - - - Home!

We are back in our little log cabin in Texas - for two weeks...  We were greeted at the corner of our land by the remnant of our flock of Guinea hens.  They stood by the side of the road long enough for me to snap a picture:

And when we got down to the other end of the land we smell the welcoming fragrance of wood smoke.  Then up the drive to our front door!  There lies one of our many cats, ol' Bootsy girl.  And here comes one of our grandsons to help unload things - oh, my!  He has a beard!  Mercy, it's good to be home!!

Our sons have left the place immaculate and laid in fresh staples like bacon, eggs from the flock and bread.  All we have to do is unload the van and settle into our personal recliners - from which I may not get up from for the whole two weeks!

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