Monday, July 22, 2013

Posting to the Blog

Home ownership means responsibility.  We're home, but it's not like we're sitting in our easy chairs waiting for the next contract to start.  Praise the Lord we have wonderful, magnificent chores to do!

During our absence our kids have visited our home and left it as clean as a whistle.  But there's oh, so much more to our home.  There have been storms and trees are down in our "forest."  (We call it a forest, but in Texas it really is just a stand of trees on the land.)  There are flower beds that could use a little attention, acres to mow, the round-pen I work the horses in either has to have a complete makeover or be totally taken down, there is some touch-up painting that could be done on the outside of the house, and because we have a log home, there are logs to wash. 

Yup, I said wash the logs.  You can't power-wash the logs because you'd eventually eat away at the log itself.  These babies need to be hand washed.  Because we have wrap-around porches all the way around the logs are protected from the sun and wind and rain.  Because there is no rain on the logs they tend to get pretty dusty.  So, over the next couple of days I will be bathing the outside of our home.  It's not as bad as it sounds, but I do with I was taller than my 5' 2" ...  The walls are 10 feet tall, which means I'm up and down a ladder 40 million times.  But it's our home, so it's totally okay!

All of that to say that my posts to the blog may be a bit sporadic over the next two weeks.  Then we're on to Arizona for the new contract, and our son and his family will be here in their home to look after the day to day business of home ownership.  God bless our sons and their families!!  We couldn't travel without their love and support!  They are all so very good to us!

Hang in there, readers, we will return to the regularly scheduled postings very soon!  And I do hope you enjoy reading about our travels.  Very, very few ever "comment," but thousands of you keep reading, so I must be doin' okay "talking story."  Thanks for your patience.

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