Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Visitors To Our Lil' Farmhouse

It's never boring around here.  Every 15 - 20 minutes I'm up checking the windows all around the house to see who's come a callin'.

The "beard" tells me he's a Tom turkey

This is a Canadian Goose - with a Plover apparently (but not really :) sitting on his back.

 No beard, so she's a hen

These white-tailed deer are always hanging around - but not as much as the last time we contracted here because a neighbor cleared some land and they don't have as much cover.

 Who knew chipmunks lived here?  Not the landowner!  She's lived here most of her life and never seen one before.

Bob White Quail

Ever watchful ground hog.  We call him Danville Danny.

Tis a Black-capped Chickadee and a male Goldfinch.

This is a female and a male Goldfinch.

The deer are certainly more skittish this year than in the past - but they still come a callin'.

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