Thursday, May 2, 2013

Over To Mount Vernon, The Home of George Washington

From our Cherry tree quest, we cross the Potomac River and follow what seemed to be some very convoluted GPS directions to Mount Vernon.  Eventually we achieved our goal and were pretty much the first folks there that Saturday morning.  We enter the estate through what is known as "The Texas Gate" because a group of Texans supported the construction of the original main gate in 1899, and again in 1988 the restoration of this gate.  (Who knew?)

We were greeted by the (life size) Washington family:

George reminds me of Granpa.  This bronze is supposedly made from a lifemask George allowed to have done, and so the head dimensions are precise.  The body dimensions are based on his clothing, so the body dimensions are probably right on also.  By all accounts, Granpa's head was dimensionally big for his body, too, but I guarantee you that his shoulders were (and are) much broader than George's! Martha, if I remember correctly, was really more like me and my dimensions, but, hey, she was the first First Lady, so she gets to be any size she wants!  (And that's okay by me.)

We move on to allow the Washington's to greet other guests, and we stroll through the Visitor's Center.

These stained glass windows give a quick overview of Washington's life.  They're really quite something to see in person.

Our first glimpse of the home at Mount Vernon is from a distance:

I don't know if that's ectoplasm or sun glare on the camera lens - but I think it's pretty cool the way it comes down right on that spot. 

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