Thursday, May 9, 2013

River Cruise

Well, Granpa has been wanting for YEARS to take a cruise.  Remember, "I don't fly, and I don't float?"   Well, for Granpa, I'm willing to give this idea a shot:  A Potomac River cruise.

I've always heard that river cruises won't make you seasick because there are no "rolling" waves.  Well, this water does look pretty calm and smooth.  "Granpa, if I get seasick I will try not to say I told you so... "
The river gave almost 100% of the access to Mount Vernon is the 1700's.  Not only did it receive travelers, but the Washington's made a living transporting goods from their land by river.  Washington's fishing vessels also tied up here.  In the year 1772 alone his fisheries harvested 1.3 MILLION herring and more than 11,000 shad from the Potomac, providing food and income to the people of Mount Vernon.  The wharf was rebuilt in 1880 and restored in 1991.  It was dedicated that year by none other than Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain!
While we're waiting at George Washington's Mount Vernon dock, the port master points out an Osprey sitting on a nest full of eggs. That's pretty cool.

Boy, she looks like she'd take a bite out of anyone even thinking of touching her eggs - and if she doesn't, her ever-watchful partner would!

Well, back to the cruise...  Our ships name is "Miss Christin" and that portends well because one of our daughters-in-law is named "Kristin."  Close enough!  She's a calm lady, so maybe this cruise will be, too.

This is the view one might have seen in 1790 (without the white tents to the side.  There must have been a party planned - or maybe these are left over from "National Treasure - Book of Secrets.")  The cruise IS going smoothly so far.  Maybe there is something to the smooth river cruise concept...

Why, looky here, just around the corner from Mount Vernon to our left is -- Washington, D.C. and, surprise! the Washington Monument!

To the right is Fort Washington.

Neither of these things, of course, were here during George's time.  The fort wasn't built until 1809, and the Washington Monument's construction didn't begin until 1848.

I'm doing fine on this lil' cruise thing - except for being cold in the breeze, but then I'm most always cold.  I've heard the old saying, "Cold hands, warm heart," but what if you're whole body is cold?  Oh-h-h-h.  THAT's why Granpa wanted to cruise:  so I'd hug up to him!!

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