Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tootlin' - Eagles and Buffalo

So, we're off tootlin' around the country side of western Minnesota and come across this pretty winter scene that I just had to share with you.

This is winter, also, but it certainly reminds us of unpicked cotton fields back home:

The "cotton" is actually little clumps of snow caught in the forks of tiny branches on the roadside brush.  We must be getting homesick, huh?

It's amazing how many places here DON'T have icicles.  That means their roofs are insulated really good.  This is a fishing resort on one of the "10,000" lakes in Minnesota.  But the lakes are frozen solid this time of year, so I guess snowmobilers stay here now.

Doin' a lil' more tootlin' and what to our wondering eyes appear but some Minnesota buffalo.

And even MORE amazingly (I tell ya', God is so good to those who are faithful.  He just drops in little surprises daily so that we're reminded he's still in control of all things!), even more amazingly we see ...

John's very first wild bald eagle!!  (I saw one on my tent-camping drive to Alaska with Granma Jo in 1999.)  Now, this guy wasn't just good enough to pose for about a dozen pictures, but he decided to do a fly around for us:

This was a pretty good photo, but, even though the next one only caught a tip of his wing, I like it, too!

Then he came back, sat in his "sentinel tree," and lets Granpa take even more pictures.  He moved from one spot to another, turning his head from side to side, as though he really was posing for us.  Thank you, God, you are so-o-o good to us! 

1 comment:

Connie Hodgson said...

Mary, the link below will take you to a nest in Decorah, IA where for years, we have been able to watch bald eagles prepare their nest, lay eggs, and feed their babes until they're old enough to fly the coop. Right now they aren't on the nest (which is kind of unusual)onece they start working, it's a site to see. Enjoy! Connie Hodgson/OLLI