Monday, February 11, 2013

Another Saturday; Another Road Trip

Another Saturday, another day for investigation and adventure!  This time we are headed south of Fargo to the remains of Fort Abercrombie.  Blizzard conditions are forecast for tonight, but today seems like it will be okay.  However, the windshield washers have frozen over and Granpa pulls off at a North Dakota rest area to see what he can do to unfreeze them.  I, of course, say, "Ya' gotta take a picture of that brick mural."

Then its back on the road.  We find the exit, and as we get farther from the Interstate the roads are less maintained, but certainly still drivable.  Before we reach the town of Fort Abercrombie, John stops (mostly) on the side of the road to take one of his favorite pictures:  a lone tree in an enormous landscape.

What do you think Freud would say about that??

Just to let you know what kind of folks there are in North Dakota, though, we're in the middle of "nowhere" and a North Dakota driver pulls over to ask if we need help.  They are the nicest people up here!!  It's like the world my momma grew up in, where everyone knows everyone else, strangers are to be helped not feared, guns and hunting are good, outdoors anything is good.  They are farmers and ranchers like Momma's people.  I think I could get to like it up here...

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