Sunday, December 28, 2014

Avoid the Brothel!

So I'm studying the atlas to see if there is a way out of Death Valley that doesn't involve going back to Senator Harry Reid's state of Nevada so as to avoid legal prostitution.  There HAS to be a way...

Death Valley National Park is huge - and there are roads all over the place.  We just have to make sure that the ones we pick connect and don't run us back into the state of Sin City.  Highway 190 makes a hard right turn, exits Death Valley but skirts it until connecting to 127 southbound - and we never have to go into Nevada again!  Woohoo!  And the atlas says its scenic all the way down to Baker and I-15.  This is what I'm talkin' about!!

Wow.  This place looks more like Death Valley than Death Valley does!  There are mountains of sand dunes everywhere.

I wonder what those cars are doing out there?  They don't look like dune buggies.  Hmmm.

Well, it's been a long day's drive what with all of the photo ops the Lord has provided.  But it's interesting that we can get from Kingman to Yosemite's east entrance in a single days drive. However, the day is done and we're gettin' close to home.

Thanks for making the journey with us!

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