Sunday, November 24, 2013

Stagecoach to Tombstone

They say that this Modoc coach could carry as many as 25 passengers at a time!

Lordy, lordy.  Tucson to Tombstone, 1880.  70 miles.  We could do that today in an hour or less; in 1880?  It took seventeen hours!!  The cost for a one-way trip was $10 - the equivalent of $225 in today's money!  One always walked the horses back then for several reasons:  so they'd be somewhat rested if they had to outrun the Apaches would probably be the number one reason, but also the lack of water in the Arizona desert.  Also, even at a walk, the alkaline dust thrown up by the hooves and wheels made it almost impossible to breathe.  So, even after paying the $10, it was more comfortable for the passengers to just get out and walk most of the way!

It would be a stunning feat for anyone, but a lady's clothing wasn't the most conducive the "roughing" it:

This gorgeous satin dress was worn by a Tombstone school teacher, Mrs. Estel Maxon, around 1884.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that the lady ran out of that soft green satin and pieced in the bronze.  Style.  Ladies had style back then...

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1 comment:

Paul said...

And in the unlikely case they found a hill in that country, passengers would get out to lighten the load and maybe even have to push!!