Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Just a little cog in the wheel of hope - that's me!  I spent a few hours yesterday helping out at the church we attend here in Kingman.  They are one of 3,500 collection centers for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.

The Samaritan's Purse was started in 1970 by Billy Graham's son, Franklin.  In 1993,The Samaritan's Purse came up with the idea for Operation Christmas Child.   Last year they packed 9.8 MILLION shoe boxes!  Over the past twenty years, they have distributed 100 million boxes in over 100 countries on six continents.

One couple came in yesterday with 26 shoe boxes that they had packed themselves.  They aren't members of any church because they live an hour from the nearest church, but they have chosen Operation Christmas Child as they're method of giving back.  Last year they did just 12 boxes; next year they hope to double what they gave this year!

It's just the right time for you to start on next year's shoeboxes!  Just go to samaritanspurse.org and find out how easy it is!  Then every week or so, buy a plastic shoebox and beginning filling it with the simplest of things.  Some of these kids have never seen a toothbrush or tasted a piece of candy, or had their very own pencil and pad of paper.  Some try to use the toothbrush as a hairbrush until they get one of each in their shoebox and realize the difference!  Toys are unimaginable - a yo-yo is a technological marvel to them!  Go to the party section of your store and pick up a package of game prizes to spread out through several shoe boxes.  If you put a couple of pencils in be sure to put in a prize pencil sharpener or extra erasers.  It's so easy and inexpensive that, before you know it, the shoe box is not only full - it's overflowing!  A bar of soap and a washcloth.  Go to the travel section of your store and get some travel size deodorant, toothpaste, baby powder.  Go to the hair care section and pick up some hair ribbons or hair bands.  And don't forget that note of encouragement and a word from the Lord!

Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts are collected in the United States, Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

I had such a good time yesterday that I'm going back today to help out some more!

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