Thursday, November 29, 2012


Ah!  I forgot to tell you about the free NASCAR tickets!

Just as I was finishing up one of our school bus routes the Transportation Director comes on the radio and asks if anyone wants some last minute free tickets.  I wait a few minutes, and not hearing anyone else speak up, I say, "Well, yeah!"

Now, we've never been to a NASCAR race before, but you should know by now that I never pass up an opportunity for a new experience!  I calculate the likely "yes's" I might get from our family and ask for that many tickets.

The long and the short of it is, John, his brother, and his 27-year-old nephew, Henry, made the races.

The last thing Angie said to us when she handed us the tickets was, "Buy earplugs."  Wise words, very, very wise words!

John took his other camera to the races - and left that camera in Texas, so I have no photos to share with you :(

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