Thursday, September 27, 2012

Buffalo Diplomacy with Russia

How would you like to have gone on a hunting trip with the likes of Custer, "Buffalo Bill" Cody, "Wild Bill" Hickock, AND General Sheridan?  Well, that's exactly what happened in January 1872 with the 21-year-old Grand Duke Alexis of Russia.  Visiting Denver, Colorado that year he was promised an exciting hunt with these amazing personalities.

After arriving by train in Kit Carson, Colorado, they headed for a valley between Rush Creek and the Big Sandy.  The Grand Duke, armed with a brace of pistols, a Bowie knife, and rifle, killed a bull and two cow buffalo (well, bison, really).  Since buffalo can run up to 35 miles per hour - and can maintain that pace for fifteen MILES,  I'm thinkin' the Grand Duke Alexis did good!

The entire expedition was a tremendous success, especially when accompanied by free flowing champagne and whiskey.  Relations between Russia and the United States were greatly improved!

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