Thursday, August 9, 2012

Barely a Bear and a Buffalo Nursery

Yup.  This is a black bear, and we weren't quick enough with the camera.  Bummer.  He/she was a big one.  We heard later that there was one in this area with two cubs.  If this was her, we never saw the cubs. 

I really like this photo: three mommas, three babies, and Big Daddy.  (I'm not sure what's up with his tail, but, oh well... )

I'm thinkin' these are two mommas murmuring about problem kids (or, in this case, calves).  Since both males and females grow horns it's kinda hard to tell who's who.  But we thought this was a cool picture - they are so perfectly positioned it's almost a mirror image of a single buffalo.  (I don't think I'd like to get a huge mirror close to these critters.  It could be a "shattering" experience.)

Most babies are cute, even baby cows.  But baby buffalo?  Not so much, huh?

This one is already getting his/her horns, and its hump back is becoming more prominent.

This may be the only photo we've ever gotten with a "heads up."  Can't say I even knew they could get their head that far up.  It looks like it's sniffing that tree, but I think it's actually 10-15 feet in front of it.  And, what's with that hairy chin? 

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1 comment:

Michelle said...

I really enjoy reading your blog!! <3