Monday, August 6, 2012

Bambi !!

Aww!  Twins!  Aren't they sweet?  And such a good momma!

We were driving around Mammoth Hot Springs absolutely not expecting to see any wildlife because of the swarms of cars and people, when what to our wondering eyes appears...

That reminds me!  We saw baby elk, too, and they're spotted just like these baby deer!  When was that?  Oh, yeah!  Our "Jackson Hole" day:

We were watching a nature program on PBS last night.  They were talking about wildlife in Scandinavian countries, and they kept calling what we know as moose, they called them elk.  How weird is that?  Why would they not be called by the same name?   But they also called what we know as elk, they called red deer. 

I call them all magnificently beautiful !!

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