Saturday, April 9, 2016

Manchester, New Hampshire

Manchester is the capitol of New Hampshire, and it is the largest New England city north of Boston - with a population of about 110,000.  Add in the surrounding 'burbs and you have a population of about 410,000 - or 1/3rd of the population of the entire state of New Hampshire. 

I found us a little place in the rural 'burbs:

Now, don't get all wowser on me.  We just had the apartment on the left - see our van?  The rest of the place is a home.  Jean works at the Manchester hospital Granpa is contracted to, and that's how we got onto this place.  Sure beats an Extended Stay!

The driveway was a bit tricky once the snows came.  It wasn't just long, it was downhill if we were leaving - and there were curves!  Brett would clean it with his snowplow tractor attachment, but not always before I took Granpa to work.  One time I tried three times to get up the driveway before Brett plowed, and finally just parked the car at the road and walked up the driveway!

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