Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Why of The Pine

Here's a photo of Granma spending Granpa's money - probably on a coffee mug!  Just little trophies that the grandkids can fight over at my funeral.  I suppose if I had 10 or 1,000 they'd argue over who gets what, but those coffee mugs are truly near and dear to my heart.  They're one of my biggest vices, too!

The hand-drawn t-shirt is very near and dear to me, also.

Would that I could afford a whole set of Ancient Bristlecone Pine dishes.

The story of these pines is so amazing.  The first time we came here it was winter, and there were no tours because the climate is so incredibly harsh.  This time we were blessed to get a real tour and uncover a wealth of information.  I strongly encourage you, too, to time your visit for spring, summer, or fall.

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