Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Local Swimming Hole

What good is summer without going swimming?  So I found our public pool and we moseyed on over.

It took them all of two seconds to hop in.  (Of course it took my daughter-in-law and I two days to round up the snorkels and masks and swimming diapers...)  They were having a marvelous time.

And then they noticed a couple of lifeguards scrutinizing the far corner of the shallow end.  Turns out some little child had done something unacceptable over there - and they cleared the entire pool of humanity for thirty minutes!

I must say, my grandkids were wonderful about the "warm up" time.

Eventually they got to hop back in.

Got to do a couple of stunts off the diving board,

(Yup, I missed the action on that...)  and the swim session ended.  But even then the smiles never left their faces!

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