Saturday, January 24, 2015

Miscommunication Continues

This one is on me.  Ever since we were in Tombstone last year, I have wanted to go to Cochise's Stronghold.  I've been perusing the road atlas, and it looks to me like there is actually a road that goes right to it!  Just eyeballing it, I think we can get there, do a quicky tour and get back to Tucson for lunch and then over to Old Tucson before sundown.

Granpa trusts me, so he goes for it.  There is a loop road that exits the Intersate and re-enters the Interstate at almost the same spot.  If we take the second exit we can drop by the Chiricahua National Monument then loop back around to Cochies's Stronghold.  MY mistake was in not getting an actual physical address and putting it into Lil' Miss GPS for a time frame.

We hop on the Interstate and head south and south-er and finally follow the Interstate eastward.  It was noonish before we reached Willcox, left the Interstate and turned onto Hwy 186.  I'm getting a huge knot in my stomach.  What if the Chiricahua National Monument isn't anything more than the Sonoran Desert National Monument we went to last evening?  What if it turns out to just be a pile of rocks and an interpretive sign.  Boy!  Will Granpa be chapped or what!

Suddenly Granpa brakes and hangs a left onto a wide dirt road.  (Am I in trouble??)  Then he points to a mileage sign:  Fort Bowie National Historic Site.  I can't believe it.  Granpa's not only patient, he is thoughtful!  He knows that I would love to see this place, too, regardless of the hands on the clock!
(It occurs to me that youngsters won't even know what "hands on the clock" means because everything is digital these days :-()

Well, I'll try to find some info really quick on my handy-dandy Amazon Fire tablet that we won in a contest with one of our companies.

Hmmm.  Only adobe ruins of the Fort left - and we'd have to hike 1.5 miles to see those.  It's a dirt road, too, that we're on.  It only takes a couple of minutes to decide that the time wasn't worth the trip, so Granpa makes a u-turn and heads back to pavement.  (But he's made a precious impression on me.  Even after almost thirty years he can still make me feel special!)

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