Monday, September 16, 2013

The Squirrelly Grand Canyon

If you think this guy is cute...

you should see him in the wintertime when he has tufts of hair growing off the top of his ears.  Utterly adorable!!  I love his polka-dot fur.

The Kaibab squirrel is a subspecies of the Abert squirrel.  The Kaibab is endemic to a 20 - 30 mile area of the north rim of the Grand Canyon area.  It's the only place in the world that you'll find this guy!  Seriously?  On this entire, humongous planet this is the only teeny-tiny spot that you can find this squirrel?  Cool!

The Abert is concentrated in the Arizona, Grand Canyon, New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado area, but can be found south into Mexico and up into the Rocky Mountains.  They were named for Colonel John James Abert, an Army topographer from the 1800's who organized the effort to map the American southwest.  (Talk about a tall order!)

Both the Abert and the Kaibab eat pine nuts - and the hawks eat the squirrels!!

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