Monday, April 8, 2013

Aloha, and Mahalo!

Good-bye, and thank you!

We are homeward bound yet again --- but not to worry, our schedule will have us in Texas for only eighteen hours.  Then we're off to the east coast and back to the little farmhouse in the tobacco fields.  Yes, it's another command performance, a return appearance for Granpa.  (I think he's beginning to like being greeted by beaming faces and hearty handshakes.)

This time a tech broke her arm and is requiring surgery.  The department was so excited at the chance of having Granpa back that the only remaining tech volunteered to keep working and being on call 24/7 until we could fly back to the mainland, load our totes, and run up to Virginia.

The department here on Kaua'i is throwing Granpa a party, I'm packing, returning the flat-screen TV and rented car, giving away the few things we've accumulated and doing a final cleaning of the apartment.  (Whew!)

Granpa is excited about going back to Virginia because he loves the history so much and the people were so good to us there.  So, put away the Mai Tai's and bring on the Mint Julep's (sans alcohol please), we are on the way!

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