Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

Granpa decided we would leave Monday morning about 5:00 a.m. for Palo Duro Canyon outside of Amarillo.  It's a long drive, but it's a familiar one.  So Sunday after church we pack the van and prepare to head out before dawn - GREAT time to start a trip!  No, really!

I set my iPhone alarm and try to sleep.  About 4:00 a.m. I wake up with a headache.  By 5:00 it was a raging migraine causing dry heaves.  Granpa spent the next half  hour trying to think of everything he could to comfort me: cold cloths to the forehead, neck rubs, Tylenol...  By 6 it had eased a bit, and I guess I went back to sleep.  Around 7 I woke up and told Granpa that, if he didn't rush me and keep things pretty low key, I would try to get the final loading done (ice chest stuff).  What usually takes me 30 minutes took 2 hours - and most of what got done Granpa did.  He is SUCH a treasure!

Our first destination is our son's home in Dallas.  I was unconscious most of the way; Granpa loved listening to his music.  Just before we arrived I sent a text to my daughter-in-law asking if she could have a cup of strong hot tea waiting for me.  I knew she would anyway - I just wanted to be sure, thinking it might help me recover. 

After two cups of tea I'm feeling a bit perkier, and we get a tour of their home.  He has a new projection TV in his home theater room that he's very pleased with.  He keeps trying to talk Granpa into buying one for our traveling as it's not much bigger than two laptops stacked on top of each other, and you can even project the picture onto the side of a tent!  They showed us their aquariums, the four-poster log bed he designed and built, and the walls of artwork our daughter-in-law has done.  Because of my fragile state they chose to leave their Great Dane, Omega, outside.  She might decide to lean against me and I'd fall down!  The grandkids, however, loved on me tenderly, and it was wonderful!

We headed on up the road toward Gainesville, Texas intending to turn due west from there.  I was still not a hundred percent, and when we got to Gainesville there was road construction.  For whatever reason the exit signs had been sanded, and so we missed our turn.  I checked the maps and Granpa decided to head on up into Oklahoma and head west from Ardmore.  (My momma and daddy got married in Ardmore so that was an okay visit by me!)

The highway took us back into Texas around Chillicothe - which is the area my momma grew up in.  We knew we were back in Texas by the warning signs.

We were back on track on Hwy. 287, and I'm feeling much better.  Next stop:  Palo Duro.

Looks like we're gonna make it about 8:30 which is nice because the heat of day will be way past and setting up camp won't be a trial. I had survived the day!

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