Monday, June 4, 2012

A Tribute to Lobo

When we got home to Texas our son's dog, Lobo, wasn't feeling well.  Lobo is the last remaining dog from a litter our other son had from a he-wolf, Whisper, and a she-dog named Bear.  Unfortunately, the pups took on the looks of momma...

... and the habits of daddy.  There was no holding those pups back.  We had taken two with the understanding that if they killed any of our stock they would have to go.  Several chickens and guineas later...  
Another of the pups (and Lobo) were very adept at climbing fences. They climbed more like monkeys or lions than dogs.   Lobo was with our son longer than any of the other dogs,

but he was such an escape artist that he had to live his life in a cage.

After we became travelers, Lobo and our dog, Junior, became best buddies. 

Junior is a pretty tricky fella himself.  He's an Austrailian Shepherd, and loves to try his paw at herding anything.  I think he'd even try to herd spiders if you could get two of them together in the same place! 

Let either Lobo or Junior outside and things were fine.  Let them both out, and they became a pack.  They would run for hours before coming home - usually wet from jumping in ponds and filthy from rolling in cow patties.  But, oh my, were they happy dogs!

Unfortunately, a couple of days after our getting home, Lobo took sick.  For several days we all imagined what might be the problem and our son gave him medicines.  Finally, though, it was apparent the vet had to be called in.  Lobo passed away while at the vets.  Our son was told it was a blood clot that had found its way into Lobo's heart. 

He was the last of the litter, but our son, his brothers, in-laws and out-laws (that's an ol' Texas saying.  Doesn't mean our kids are outlaws, just means inside of marriage and out) including Granpa and I, loved ol' Lobo very, very much.  Thank you, Larry, for hanging on to him for as long as you did.  They were all pretty special critters.

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